Let Grace Abound Amid the Briars

As I was spending time with my Shepherd this week, my heart is heavy and saddened with news of how churches have been ousted from a convention over having women as pastors. In every other professional role in our society, women have transitioned into these roles. Women are doctors, lawyers, professors, accountants, executive directors, chief executives, and the list can continue. Yet, clergy, it becomes a different thing. Women are still restricted, labeled, questioned, and rejected in pastoral and leadership roles. Churches have them listed as “Directors” not “Pastors.” But I can tell you from a lifetime of fighting this kind of mentality and disrespect that has been conveyed to me for well over thirty-five years are nothing short of disgraceful. These briars of alienation and twisting the scripture to suit their own agendas are running wild and are unkept. We have forgotten to keep the Lord at the center of our worship, not the polity of the day for convenience of a convention’s agenda.

I have fought this battle for well over thirty-five years. I was told as a young girl that I could not become a pastor. When I was in seminary, I was told the same message by men as well as a convention. While some professors fought the battle with us, many left or compromised. For example, in my homiletic class when it was my time to preach, all the men would get up and walk out. I would preach to my professor and a young international student. Yet, when the others would preach, I would be gracious. Later, that year, my professor entered one of my sermons in a competition, and I won. He said in class that I showed grace under fire. I have had men tell me “You cannot use your title of Reverend because some might get angry. That’s why we left it off the bulletin.” Yet they deem this as showing God’s love, equality, and equity.” However, where the unkept briars grow and continue to choke out the truth, let me tell you that God’s grace abounds.

I am a pastor and have been called into the ministry for going on thirty-four years May 9th. These briars of twisted truths continue today, which saddens my heart. The people who pull out verses out of 1 Corinthians where it states that “women should be silent…” When you look at the context in which this was written it is referring to the fact that women were not given the same equity to be trained in the synagogue or temples as men were given from teenage days. So, they were asking questions, and Paul was asking them to learn some of this at home and not to disrupt worship. Women were not allowed to learn in the temples alongside the men. This was forbidden. So, of course the women had questions and inquiring minds. Women are always thinking! It is shameful how this has been so twisted to fit an agenda!

Throughout scripture women held important pastoral leadership roles. Our Lord never dismissed women from His midst. He welcomed them. And frankly, I think He knew that if He wanted something to get done, He needed women to take leadership role and complete the task. Wherever there is alienation, isolation, and manipulation of scripture, grace is not there. Wherever narrow-thinking, and disrespect is perpetuated, grace is not there. Young girls should be encouraged to live out their calling, and not restricted. Perhaps this is why I fan into flame the gifts within all persons. I know that the briars of deceit can choke out the truth, and I know that grace abounds in the truth. If you have a daughter or granddaughter, please fan into flame their giftedness. Do not send them incongruent messages. Do not let the unkept briars of alienation, judgement, and manipulation rule the day. Let grace abound amid the briars!

Something to Think About,

Pastor Mel


Taught and Caught